Upcoming Whisky/Whiskey Events

Want to connect with other whisky/whiskey fans? Looking for more ways to get involved in the Whisky Lifestyle? Here are some upcoming events!

If you know of an event that you’d like to see added to this list, please tell me about it on the Contact page. Be sure to include the Event Name, the City and State where the event is happening, the ticket fee, and where we can find more information (like a website).

Last Updated on October 23, 2017
Please contact the event producers for the current and correct information.  After a few drams, The Whisky Guy can’t be trusted with the up-to-the-minute details!


Nov 16, 2017 – WhiskyFest New York

New York, NY / $275 / http://www.whiskyfest.com/new-york/
