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The Whisky Guy Podcast #9 – George Grant of Glenfarclas Part II

Welcome to Episode #9 of The Whisky Guy Podcast, featuring George Grant of the Glenfarclas Distillery!

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery - Part II

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery – Part II

It’s Whisky Wednesday – Time for a dram!

Published January 6, 2016

In this episode of The Whisky Guy Podcast:

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the first episode of The Whisky Guy Podcast of 2016!  Just as 2015 wrapped up we crossed a major landmark together – 10,000 downloads of The Whisky Guy podcast!  A huge Thank You to all of the guests for taking time out of their schedules to be on the show, and most of all to you – the listeners – for being part of this community.  To subscribe to The Whisky Guy podcast click here!

Thank You Listeners for helping me reach the 10,000 listener milestone!

Thank You Listeners for helping me reach the 10,000 listener milestone!

Thank You Patrons!

Each episode of The Whisky Guy podcast takes over 20 hours and costs over $1,000 to produce.  By becoming a Patron through Patreon, a crowd-funding platform for content makers like The Whisky Guy, you can help keep The Whisky Guy Podcast fee and ad-free, and feel good about supporting a small business.  Supporting The Whisky Guy can be for as little as $1/episode (about a cup of coffee a month) and Patrons also receive access to exclusive content, that I’ll mention again later.  To become a Patron of The Whisky Guy, click here!

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Your support keeps The Whisky Guy free and ad-free. Become a Patron today!

Part II of a tasting with George Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery

If you haven’t listened to episode 7 of The Whisky Guy Podcast, that’s a great place to start before getting in to this episode.  It features a quick interview with George, and Part I of the tasting.  With both episodes, I’d recommend listening with headphones as some of the questions from the audience were a little quiet.  If you’re on Twitter, first follow @WhiskyGuy and @Glenfarclas, then do a search for #GlenfarclasWA – I live tweeted during the entire tasting and you can follow along.

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery - Part II

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery – Part II

On to the tasting!

  • Glenfarclas has been doing well, even through the financial crisis that started in 2008.
  • Tho the distillery was poised for their first layoffs in history, the opposite happened and the distillery saw their best year ever.
  • 2009 doubled 2008 sales.
  • By 2013, sales in just the first month were higher than the whole of 2009.
  • Growth is not sustainable, tho, for several reasons.
  • The whisky industry as a whole is running out of 3 resources that are essential to whisky-making:
    • Water
    • Wood (aka casks to mature the whisky)
    • Warehouse Space. Glenfarclas has increased capacity from 55,000-65,000 casks/year partly due to building 4 new warehouses, but that’s still not enough.
  • Glenfarclas uses exclusively Dunnage warehouses – an earthen-floor warehouse where casks are stored no more than 3 high.
  • These low warehouses makes sure all the whisky inside matures at the same rate, which helps with consistency.
  • Glenfarclas suffers from Angels Share just like other distilleries – evaporation of liquid from the casks.  While the code allows for up to 2% loss per year, because of the altitude and humidity around the distillery Glenfarclas only looses 0.3% annually.  Compared to maturation on Islay, where evaporation can be near 5% annually.
  • Question: How close is Glenfarclas to capacity?
    • Glenfarclas is at capacity for production now.  Last year, the distillery produced 3.42M liters of alcohol, of a 3.5M liter capacity.  This year because of slight modifications, capacity is 4M liters.  A single 750mL bottle of Glenfarclas 10 year in the US contains .3 liters of alcohol.
The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery - Part II

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery – Part II

  • Glenfarclas sells whisky to other bottlers for blended whiskies.  In 2007-2008, Glenfarclas sold 95% of their volume to blenders.  Today that’s closer to 40% with goals of reducing further, but there’s value in selling to blenders as well.
  • Question: What blends are taking in Glenfarclas?
    • Distilleries rarely sell to other distilleries – they swap casks.
    • Some blends that contain Glenfarclas include Chivas, William Grant portfolio, Inver House, Whyte and Mackay and Beam Suntory.
  • Tasting Glenfarclas 21
    • George’s favorite until recently (replaced by 15)
    • Like a balloon – well rounded and balanced
    • Ian, distillery manager at Laphroaig, kept a bottle of Glenfarclas 21 to share with people that had never had whisky before so they weren’t too offended by Laphroaig and scared away from whisky.
    • Most expensive to produce
    • Flavors change as the liquid sits in the glass
    • Finish – Chocolate, caramel, vanilla
    • Question: Where does the chocolate come from?  From George, who thought it was the sherry casks, tasted a cognac cask exclusive matured whisky and found the same character and now attributes it to age.
    • Glenfarclas newmake is sweet and floral.
  • What’s the right way to drink whisky?  “So long as you’re paying for it, I don’t much care how you drink it.”
  • Experiment: Instead of adding water to whisky to dilute it, hold a sip in your mouth and add water directly, but be careful not to spray on those around you.
  • Question: What ABV does Glenfarclas come off the stills
    • New make runs off at a 68% ABV average, and is diluted to 63.5% to go into cask
  • Tasting Glenfarclas 25
    • Different in that it tastes ‘old’
    • Big wood/tannin flavors
    • Pairs well with chocolate dessert or a cigar
    • Glenfarclas 25 sells better in the US than the 21
    • George’s least favorite of the line for personal choice
    • A ‘Christmas’ whisky
  • Many of the employees have significant tenure with some families having passed jobs down the family for 125+ years
  • Members of the Glenfarclas production team, along with other benefits and salary, receive a house and free whisky
    • “We find it very difficult to actually get rid of any members of staff”
  • Tasting Glenfarclas 105
    • 105 British Proof – which equates to 120 proof (60% ABV) in the US
    • Proof derived from ‘proving’ that gunpowder soaked in whisky would explode.
    • This proof happens at 57.9% ABV, or 100 proof
    • Original bottles of Glenfarclas 105 would say 5 O.P., or ‘5 Over Proof’
    • Original bottles of Glenfarclas 10 would say 30 U.P., or ’30 Under Proof’; 70 proof, or 40% ABV
    • Glenfarclas 105 is the most difficult to make, as much of the whisky matured isn’t strong enough to create this expression
    • Glenfarclas 105 is bottle at cask strength
    • Glenfarclas 105 was George’s grandfather’s favorite
The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery - Part II

The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #9 featuring Glen Grant from the Glenfarclas Distillery – Part II

Are you a Glenfarclas fan?  Click here to tell me about it!

Tweet: I’m listening to The @WhiskyGuy #Podcast episode #9 featuring @Glenfarclas, sipping a #Glenfarclas #SingleMalt #Scotch

Be sure to follow @Glenfarclas on Twitter

Click here to become a Patron of the Whisky Guy and get access to exclusive content, like the Q&A session that happened after the tasting with George Grant.

Get a Free eBook from The Whisky Guy!

My eBook, “How to Taste Whisky” gives you a step-by-step guy to not just drinking, but really tasting and appreciating whiskey.  Along with detailed how-to notes and my 6-step process, you’ll also get the why behind it so you can create your own tasting process.  This eBook, How to Taste Whisky, is available for free when you subscribe to The Whisky Guy newsletter.

How to Taste Whisk(e)y - an eBook written by The Whisky Guy, available as a Thank You for registering for The Whisky Guy Newsletter

How to Taste Whisk(e)y – an eBook written by The Whisky Guy, available as a Thank You for registering for The Whisky Guy Newsletter

Upcoming Spring Whisky Events

The spring whisky event season is just around the corner!  Here’s a quick run down on some of the larger ones:

Tasting Notes: Talisker Storm

It’s unfortunate that a number on a bottle has become one of the defining characteristics that some assume equates to the quality of a whisky.  Really, the number alone tells you very little about a whiskey.  Non-age statement whisky is nothing new to the industry.  It was less than 100 years ago that age statements even started appearing on whisky bottles, and to this day whiskies from Canada and the US, along with the biggest brands from Ireland don’t carry age statements.  When a distillery releases a new bottling, no matter the label, I’m excited to see what the distillers, blenders and bottlers have come up with – and I was excited to taste Talisker Storm.  Disclosure, again, that Talisker is one of the distilleries owned by Diageo, who I’ve worked for as a paid ambassador, tho Storm was released in 2013 after I finished my time with them.

  • Package/Appearance: The box and label on the bottle are a bit silly to me – it’s whisky, not the backdrop to a Broadway play.  The picture does nothing for me in ‘setting the mood.’  I do really enjoy the color of the liquid, a very rich gold tone.
  • Nose: Similar DNA but sweeter than Talisker 10 – Reduced vanilla oil, damp forest, honey, with some peat
  • Taste: Flavor builds if you let it rest on your palate.  Finding unique flavors is difficult because of the heat, salt and smoke.  Texture is oily
  • Finish: Long, spicy and bitter
  • Diluted: Nice visual of the oil and water mixing.  Nose tends closer to Talisker 10, but flavors are all enhanced all the way through the finish.
  • $60, 45.8% ABV
  • Overall rating: Fourth Shelf
Talisker Storm - A Single Malt Scotch Whisky, reviewed by The Whisky Guy

Talisker Storm – A Single Malt Scotch Whisky, reviewed by The Whisky Guy

Connect with The Whisky Guy Socially

Next time on The Whisky Guy Podcast…

Episode #10 of the Whisky Guy Podcast, on January 20, will feature a conversation with the team at Longman & Eagle (@LongmanAndEagle) in Chicago – a Michelin star restaurant with a tremendous whiskey selection.


The Whisky Guy Podcast #8 – Jason and Joshua of the Single Cask Nation

Welcome to Episode #8 of The Whisky Guy Podcast, featuring Jason and Joshua of the Single Cask Nation!

Jason Johnston-Yellin and Joshua Hatton, co-founders of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

Jason Johnston-Yellin and Joshua Hatton, co-founders of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

It’s Whisky Wednesday – Time for a dram

Published Dec 23, 2015

In this episode of The Whisky Guy Podcast:

Happy Holidays!

Weather you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Omisoka, Bodhi Day, Winter Solstice or Festivus, I raise my glass to you this holiday season.  If you’re still looking for a holiday gift, this episode features a discount code for the Whisky Jewbilee (produced by the Single Cask Nation) happening in Seattle in 2016, or listen to podcast episode #6 with George from the Chelsea Wine Vault for a list of bang-for-your-buck whiskies.

Subscribe to The Whisky Guy on YouTube!

Subscribe to The Whisky Guy on YouTube!

Subscribe to The Whisky Guy on YouTube

Visit to find a 2-part distillery tour of the Catoctin Creek Distillery, and look for more soon including tasting notes, how-tos for making great whiskey cocktails at home, and more distillery tours.  Subscribe today at!

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Completing a 2 minute survey will help make the Whisky Guy podcast, videos and blog even better!

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  1. Visit the home page – – and look for the Voicemail link on the right side of the page. I may even play your message on an upcoming episode!
  2. Complete a 3 minute survey.  There are less than 10 questions and mostly multiple choice!
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Jason Johnston-Yellin and Joshua Hatton, co-founders of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

Jason Johnston-Yellin and Joshua Hatton, co-founders of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

Interview with Joshua and Jason of the Single Cask Nation

Joshua Hatton and Jason Johnstone-Yellin are co-founders of the Single Cask Nation, who met through their mutual passion for blogging about whisk(e)y.  The company is an independent bottler of whiskies from around the world available to their members.

Joshua Hatton, co-founder of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

Joshua Hatton, co-founder of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

  • Josh’s history:
    • Initially got into whisky through his synagogue
    • First taste was Lagavulin 16
    • Got more out of whisky than just being sent to a ‘happy place’
    • Informal tastings were the gateway
  • Jason’s history:
    • Initially got into whisky at University through a Finnish friend
    • Grew up in Scotland with exclusively blended whiskies
    • Glenfiddich, Highland Park and Laphroaig were the gateways after a tasting in the University’s club
    • Started his own whisky society after moving to Spokane, WA
    • Began blogging about whisky after wanting a personal record of the whiskies he was tasting
  • Single Cask Nation is a private club that allows members to purchase bottles directly
  • Blogging was a large part of the origin of the partnership that became the Single Cask Nation
Jason Johnston-Yellin, co-founder of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

Jason Johnston-Yellin, co-founder of the Single Cask Nation on The Whisky Guy Podcast Episode #8

  • Josh decided to blaze his own trail and start the Single Cask Nation after a seemingly impossible climb and possibilities of being taken away from his family for long periods of time made him reconsider that goal
  • Josh reached out to Jason as a partner in the venture, along with a 3rd partner – Seth
  • Single Cask Nation puts out several bottlings per year, and most sell out quickly
  • Jason’s blog contains ~300 whiskies, but his personal notes include 2,500-3000 whiskies
  • Jason believes in tasting a whisky with charity in mind; there’s always something nice to say about a whisky
  • Josh’s tasting process:
    • Must be in the right mood; there’s no reason to try if you’re in the wrong mood
    • In his ‘happy zone’ – next to his wife on the couch watching TV
    • Starts with a ‘reference whisky’ – a whisky that he knows well enough that he knows if his palate is working
    • Pour into the glass, then spend time with it – appreciating it
    • Getting to know a whisky “is like getting to know a person”
    • Looks for notes on the bottle about maturation notes; types of casks, etc
    • Learned the process on his own
    • No rocks glass – too open and the aromas escape
    • A white wine glass works in a pinch
    • Puffs air into the glass if it’s too ‘hot’ to wipe away the strong alcohol vapors
    • Only pours a little into the glass
    • Noses for a bit – 15 minutes+
    • Doesn’t begin taking notes till the 2-3 sip
    • Won’t add water if it doesn’t need it
  • Jason’s tasting process:
    • Similar to Joshua, but not next to his wife – more solitude
    • Appreciates color, then takes a few sips before taking notes
    • Likes to focus on texture
    • Takes 90 minutes to 2 hours for a tasting
    • Tries to connect flavors to the distillery and previous bottlings from it
Catoctin Creek 2 - a 100% rye whisky available exclusively from the Single Cask Nation

Catoctin Creek 2 – a 100% rye whisky available exclusively from the Single Cask Nation

  • I watched them taste and they had very similar processes, that included closing their eyes and ‘chewing’ the whisky
    • Josh: ‘By limiting one sense (sight) you heighten your other senses’
  • Josh looks for a bottle’s story, not just the distillery and why choices were made to get into the bottle
  • A single cask bottling has to tell you the whole story – it has to have a beginning, middle and end
  • Catoctin Creek Distillery reached out to the Single Cask Nation for a unique bottling, which was a yes or no decision
  • When choosing a bottle for the Single Cask Nation:
    • Sit down with 2-5, maybe 10 samples
    • Must pass the nose test first
    • Must tell a story – something special that speaks from the glass
    • Tasting – Important that a whisky is drinkable from the bottle without diluting
    • Glen Elgin 18 made the cut because it was ‘elegant and confident’ – a great ‘end of the night’ whisky
    • Catoctin Creek 2 made the cut when the group tasted it and the unanimous response was “What do we have here?” A ‘large and in charge’ whisky.  Jason likes high rye mash bills, and this whisky is a 100% rye. Bottled at 61.5% ABV
  • Membership in the Single Cask Nation starts at $36
  • Learn more about the Single Cask Nation by visiting the website –
  • The owners of the company are very accessible –
Glen Elgin 18 - a single malt scotch whisky available exclusively from the Single Cask Nation

Glen Elgin 18 – a single malt scotch whisky available exclusively from the Single Cask Nation

Whisky Jewbilee Seattle

March 8, 2016 in Seattle – Tickets are on sale now!  Normally $95, but use discount code “EBGTW216” before Dec 31, 2015 to save 5% with an additional 5% if you tweet about the event at checkout.  Learn more on the Whisky Jewbilee Event Page.  I’ll be there recording for episode #14 of the podcast which will launch after the event.

Whisky Jewbilee Seattle - March 8, 2016 - Tickets on sale now

Whisky Jewbilee Seattle – March 8, 2016 – Tickets on sale now

Thank You Patrons

The Whisky Guy is listener supported.  Thank you Carsten, the newest Patron of the whisky guy.  Each episode of the podcast takes over 20 hours to produce and costs over $1,000.  By becoming a Patron, you help keep the Whisky Guy on the air, free and ad-free.  Learn more about becoming a patron at

Your support keeps The Whisky Guy free and ad-free. Become a Patron today!

Your support keeps The Whisky Guy free and ad-free. Become a Patron today!

Tasting Notes: Russell’s Reserve 10

When you subscribe to The Whisky Guy newsletter, you’ll receive a link to download a free copy of How to Taste Whisky – an eBook by The Whisky Guy with step-by-step instructions on how to get the most from a whisky tasting experience.  I use that process every time I evaluate a whisky, including Russell’s Reserve 10 year.  **Disclosure: I’ve worked as a paid ambassador for Wild Turkey / Russell’s Reserve as recently as 2012.

  • Package/Appearance: The bottle is striking, but it’s the liquid inside that grabs my attention.  Great color, and velvety texture.
  • Nose: Big vanilla with spicy caramel, cherries and clove, also candle wax and pine needles
  • Taste: Surprisingly soft and approachable.  Burnt toffee still with big vanilla and blanched almonds
  • Finish: Long and warm – great as an ingredient in cocktails or for cooking
  • Diluted: Nougat, and very soft on the palate with a much shorter finish
  • Part of the Wild Turkey family – $40, 45% ABV
  • Overall rating: Second Shelf
Russell's Reserve - 10 year old Straight Kentucky Bourbon - Review by The Whisky Guy

Russell’s Reserve – 10 year old Straight Kentucky Bourbon – Review by The Whisky Guy

Connect with The Whisky Guy Socially

Next time on The Whisky Guy Podcast…

Episode #9 of the Whisky Guy Podcast will wrap up the tasting with George Grant from the Glenfarclas distillery, talking about higher marques and more stories from Scotland.  Look for more videos on the Whisky Guy YouTube channel in the meantime.


The eBook is done!

I had a great time not just writing, but taking all the pictures and then laying out my next eBook – How to Taste Whisk(e)y.  It’s a step-by-step how-to guide to making sure you get the most out of your whisk(e)y – the flavor, the aroma, the special techniques…  It’s all in this 11 page guide.

And the best part?  It’s completely FREE!  That’s right – when you register for The Whisky Guy Newsletter, not only will you be among the first to get Whisky Guy News, you’ll also receive a special link to download How to Taste Whisky – the newest eBook written by The Whisky Guy.

Get all the details and your special link to download your copy today!

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