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Subscribe to The Whisky Guy Podcast on iTunes

Subscribe to The Whisky Guy Podcast on iTunes

The Whisky Guy Podcast is available in the iTunes Store!  Click Here to Subscribe and leave a 5-Star Rating and Review

The Whisky Guy Podcast is Availabel in the Windows Phone Podcast Catalog

The Whisky Guy Podcast is Availabel in the Windows Phone Podcast Catalog

The Whisky Guy Podcast is available in the Windows Phone Podcast Catalog!  Visit the podcast app in your Windows Phone to subscribe today!

I’ve submitted The Whisky Guy Podcast to both Stitcher and TuneIn and I’ll update as soon as they become available in those store

The fastest way to get updates is to subscribe to The Whisky Guy Newsletter.  As a thank you for registering, you’ll also receive a special link to download my eBook – How To Taste Whisk(e)y.

If you’re a Web RSS person, you can see the feed here.